Elders is guided by the priorities in our Sustainability Framework, which include high quality governance, transparency, and our actions in modern slavery, responsible sourcing and animal welfare.
Our One Elders Values set the tone of Elders culture from the top, establishing the expected behaviours of all our people, including our Board. They are:
- Integrity – doing the right thing
- Accountability – owning the outcome
- Teamwork – using the power of the pink shirt team
- Innovation – embracing new ideas
- Customer – partnering and adding value.
Our Eight Point Plan is the culmination of the efforts of all our staff. It identifies what we exist for, what we excel at, and how we want to deliver the needs of our clients. Our corporate governance and risk management frameworks, together with our Eight Point Plan, underpin our key sustainability objective to operate ethically and to the highest standard.
Our Code of Conduct Policy sets out expectations ensuring our operations are undertaken in a safe and sustainable way.
We have a range of other key charters and policies which govern Elders.
Modern Slavery and Responsible Sourcing
Our Suppliers
Elders is supported by several large and diverse supply chains, comprising global manufacturers and wholesalers as well as local small businesses. We partner with our suppliers to maintain transparency and accountability of our supply chain. Our expectations of any individual or business wanting to partner with us is contained in our Responsible Sourcing Code, supported by our Ethical Sourcing Policy Suite.
Modern Slavery
We recognise that modern slavery risks can appear in our operations and supply chain. We work to ensure human rights are respected through actions that address modern slavery risks, safeguard human rights and promote ethical behaviour.
Learn how we address these risks in our annual Modern Slavery Statement.
Animal Welfare
Many of our staff and contractors regularly interact with livestock in the course of their work. Ensuring the humane treatment of these animals is therefore one of our key sustainability principles.
Our Safe Livestock Handling and Animal Welfare Policy and Procedure outlines the expectations we have of staff, applying to all interactions with livestock. Staff are also guided by our Livestock Handling Guide and industry standards.
We are focussed on upskilling staff in our agency business. We do this by delivering an internal livestock production training program. Topics include best practice in feed management, stocking rates, health, welfare and nutrition. We encourage staff to pass this knowledge on to clients. New online training modules were also rolled out to staff this year.

Killara Feedlot
A significant portion of Elders’ interactions with animals occurs at our Killara Feedlot, where cattle are unloaded, grown, managed and transported to customers for processing.
Killara Feedlot is strongly committed to supplying high-quality and safe beef products, without compromising sustainability. Sustainability initiatives at Killara are based in both animal and environmental welfare.
Further information about our ethical conduct and governance are outlined in our Sustainability Report.