Elders Wudinna has been serving agribusiness clients on the Eyre Peninsula (EP) since 1968. The team is proud to offer reliable service and trusted advice to farming families and love the relationships they have built with their customers.
Elders branches on the EP work together on a variety of events throughout the year. Most noteworthy includes our annual circuit sale which sells over 15,000 sheep annually across 7 properties spanning from Elliston to Streaky Bay.
Other events include the bi-annual Eyre Peninsula field day and the annual Cleve store sale. We also collaborate to provide expert knowledge and advise for our clients with wool tours and crop walks throughout the year. Learn about the new Eyre Peninsula trial site!
Elders Wudinna is proud to support a number of community initiatives through sponsorships including:
- Change Sponsorship list to individualise Clubs
- Wudinna Area School Ag Support
- Central Eyre United Football & Netball Clubs
- Elliston Districts Football & Netball Club
- Kyancutta Cricket Club
- Wudinna Bowls Club
- Minnipa Bowls Club
- Kyancutta Golf Club
- Yaninee Tennis Club
- Wudinna Show Society
- Wudinna Play Gym
- Wudinna Christmas Pageant.