When commodity prices are favourable, finishing lambs in confinement can present a profitable opportunity for graziers.
Success in lamb feedlotting relies on strong foundations and best practices. Elders’ Livestock production advisors David Trengove and Mark Dearing share their top tips for feedlotting lambs.

Infrastructure is critical for any lamb feedlot. Whether establishing new facilities or modifying existing systems, it is important to consider local council regulations, environmental guidelines, and location. Key elements include efficient handling and shearing facilities, accessible and cost-effective transportation routes, and effective effluent management systems to minimise environmental impact.
A reliable water source is also vital, ensuring lambs have constant access to clean water for health and growth. Strategies to mitigate weather-related production losses, like shade structures, windbreaks, sprinklers or drainage systems, all enhance animal comfort and performance.
Feeding systems
Your choice of feeding systems influences production potential, efficiency, and profitability. Options include fully automated, semi-automated, and self-feeder systems, with choices depending on operation scale, budget, and labour availability. Automated systems offer efficiency and consistency but require significant investment. Semi-automated systems balance cost and flexibility, while self-feeders need careful monitoring to maintain feed quality and intake.
An Elders livestock production specialist can guide you through the pros and cons of each system, so you can make a decision which best fits your objectives.
Buying and selling
Strategic buying and selling are key to profitability in a feedlotting operation.
Purchasing the right lambs affects performance outcomes. Trusted livestock agents can source lambs matching your system's needs for uniform size, health, and growth potential. Consider enlisting an Elders livestock agent in collaboration with a livestock production specialist, to align acquisition and marketing with your objectives, enhancing success.
Management protocols
Effective management is crucial for a profitable feedlot. Customised protocols cover stress control, animal health treatments, mob management, grain induction, and ration design. Reducing stress through handling techniques, ample space, and stable social groups improves health and growth.
Implement comprehensive health protocols to address vaccinations, parasite control, and disease prevention. Mob management optimises pen density and feeder space to promote uniform growth. Gradual grain induction maintains digestive health, while tailored rations support nutritional needs for different growth stages.
Measurement and Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE)
Feed Conversion Efficiency (FCE) is the main profit driver for confinement feeding, measuring feed-to-weight conversion. Accurate measurement of feed intake and weight gain allows you to make timely adjustments to improve FCE. The goal is maximising lamb weight with minimal feed.
Understanding and enhancing your system's FCE ensures efficiency and profitability. Elders livestock production advisors can identify improvement areas, set goals, and support high-performance feedlot systems.
Lamb feedlotting offers profitable opportunities with the right strategies and support. Focus on solid infrastructure, efficient feeding systems, strategic buying and selling, effective management, and precise FCE measurement.