With ever-evolving challenges in the competitive table grape industry, it’s reassuring to know that there will soon be new fungicides available to help meet the needs of these hardworking growers.

KEYBRI® Ultra# fungicide, for downy mildew, is just one product Syngenta Australia is bringing to market this year, which has been putting early runs on the board in Euston.
Elders Mildura Horticultural Agronomist Jeremy Adams said KEYBRI® Ultra was a compelling new option, having seen robust disease control under local conditions ahead of registration.
Combining two modes of action, Jeremy said there would be a compelling case for KEYBRI® Ultra during a critical period for his clients’ crops, prior to and including flowering.
“The 21 days of control gives great flexibility to ensure protection and helps to counteract any undesirable, temporary application conditions [with] rainfastness in as little as 30 minutes,” he said.
Syngenta’s new biological fungicide, TAEGRO®, which contains Bacillus velezensis strain FZB24, a microorganism with multiple modes of action, has been shown to protect against both powdery mildew and botrytis.
TAEGRO®# biological fungicide was compared to four other biologicals in the market as well as sulphur, and demonstrated excellent crop safety and lack of visible spray residues offered by the new biological product.
“We recognise that things like visible spray residue on bunches and application flexibility are really important for market access in the table grape industry,” said Syngenta Territory Sales Manager David Coombes.
“Most biological fungicides currently in the market, only have activity against botrytis so the added control of powdery mildew is a huge advantage.
“It also has a wider temperature range than most other biological fungicides in the market, making it well suited to Australian conditions when growers are often spraying over summer.”
The easy-to-use stable formulation has a favourable environmental profile for organic and conventional vineyards and no withholding period means it can be used right up to harvest.
Jeremy said this was excellent news for table grape and wine grape growers in Australia’s variable climate, include late disease incursions.
“TAEGRO® will give growers the option of late season powdery mildew and botrytis protection without the issues surrounding withholding periods which can prove challenging. The three actions of competition, metabolite activity and inducement of plant defenses position this product as a desirable crop protection tool,” said Jeremy.
Key to the programs at the site was MIRAVIS® Prime fungicide, which is registered for control of botrytis grey mould and powdery mildew in grapes; being table grapes, wine grapes (domestic consumption) and grapes for dried fruit production.
MIRAVIS® Prime fungicide attacks fungi at four development stages, in different parts of the plant and halts spore germination and controls early stages of fungal development.
“For best results, apply MIRAVIS® Prime up to 80 per cent capfall before wet events and ensure thorough coverage” advised Syngenta Technical Services Lead for Horticulture Dr Brandy Rawnsley.
“Throughout all of our trials of MIRAVIS® Prime, the results it produced were unparalleled by anything else we’ve seen,” Brandy said.
Jeremy recently seized the opportunity to assess the efficacy these new products at the Syngenta Learning Centre in Euston, with an inspection of the different treatments within the trial including proven performer MIRAVIS® Prime fungicide.
“This was one of the better product demonstrations I’ve been to recently; the Syngenta Learning Centre days are professional, informative and visibly provide the learning that agronomists like myself are seeking. I will be highly recommending that my colleagues participate in future Syngenta Learning Centre days.
“It’s one thing to read the literature, but it’s always better to see these products in action for yourself. There was always a Syngenta rep close by to engage in discussion and to answer questions and queries.”
Jeremy said Syngenta is known and respected for research and development of new product introductions, helping to make the adoption of new products and incorporation into a spray program an easier decision.
“Syngenta have a fantastic pipeline of innovative products hitting the market that [growers] can trust to deliver results. This is backed up by a strong team of technical advisors who are a fantastic agronomic resource,” said Jeremy.
# KEYBRI® Ultra and TAEGRO® are not yet registered. Applications have been submitted to the APVMA.
This article was written by Syngenta for Seasons magazine.
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