Elders is taking an active approach to sustainability to ensure meaningful and profitable outcomes for farmers through our Thomas Elder Sustainable Agriculture (TESA) team’s carbon farming advisory service.

Through the offering of this service, Elders actively supports the development of carbon farming projects within the Australian government’s Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) Scheme. We work closely with clients who are consciously trying to address the sector’s climate change contribution for the long-term, while building resilience for their businesses.
A recent survey of over 600 Elders clients found that 49 per cent have intentions to improve weather or climate resilience of their businesses within the next five years.
This is highest among broadacre and mixed farming groups.
Elders applies an agricultural approach to carbon farming. We leverage our dedicated carbon farming specialists, along with our extensive network of agronomy and livestock advisors, to work directly with farming clients to understand whether a carbon farming project might be suitable on their property. We assess rainfall, soil, farming systems, opportunities for practice change and more.
Recently, TESA worked with Twynam Agricultural, another long-standing name in the agriculture sector. We established two soil carbon projects endorsed by the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator that will help pave the way for many more farming businesses across Australia. Our efforts successfully supported Twynam’s vision in establishing and owning their own carbon farming project, which will ultimately deliver ACCUs, while providing a range of other productivity and sustainability enhancements across the business.
Working closely with Elders branches across Australia is key to the success of TESA within Elders. The support from the Goulburn branch was integral to delivering this new range of sustainability services to Twynam to support its future-focussed vision.
Twynam Group CEO Johnny Kahlbetzer said that the two teams worked hand in hand to support his organisation’s vision of a carbon project.
“Our goal in starting our carbon project is to improve our soil quality and productivity,” Johnny said.
“The ACCUs are a bonus that Elders has helped us achieve to provide us value, alongside the productivity improvements we’ve achieved through changes to our management practices."
"Agriculturally, our focus lies in being one of the world leaders in developing genetics for improved feed efficiency in cattle (Angus and composite) and in understanding what processes and systems can be cost effectively implemented across farms for the benefit of soil health and improved productivity. The carbon project established with the support of Elders is part of that process.”
Head of TESA David McKeon said the point of difference at Elders is the desire to increase farm productivity as well as improve sustainability outcomes.
“Elders has extensive knowledge and insight as an agriculture business first and foremost."
We are uniquely positioned to explore opportunities that enhance farm productivity rather than displace it, while still focussing on sustainable practices,”
“An agricultural approach to carbon farming is important for Elders. With dedicated carbon farming specialists as part of TESA, along with our extensive network of agronomy and livestock advisers, we work directly with farming clients to enhance their overall business sustainability and profitability. We do this by understanding whether a carbon farming project might be suitable on their property – assessing rainfall, soil, faming systems, opportunities for practice change and more.
“Working with Twynam is a key example where we have been able to successfully support their vision in establishing and owning their own carbon farming project, which will ultimately deliver ACCUs, while providing a range of other productivity and sustainability enhancements across the business.”
Learn more about the project
Watch the video below to hear Elders and Twynam discuss their carbon farming project.