Livestock Manager South-West WA, Dairy Specialist

Michael Carroll

Michael commenced with Elders in 2003 as a livestock trainee in Bunbury. He is now the Livestock Manager for  south-west WA, based at Elders Bunbury, supporting producers in the south-west region. He specialises in dairy production. 

Growing up in Cundinup on the family farm, Michael attended agricultural college in Narrogin before joining Elders. Over the years Michael has  worked in several branches in different roles. After completing his traineeship, Michael transferred as a Livestock Territory Sales Manager to Donnybrook, then a few years later to Busselton/Cowaramup. He then moved to the Bunbury office to be the south-west Sales and Dairy Live Export Coordinator. 

He enjoys being part of the great livestock team in the south-west.