Water Update - 27 May


Welcome to the latest Elders Water Market Update for the week beginning 27 May 2024.


  • BUYERS of Murrumbidgee and NSW Murray zone 11 temporary at $10 per megalitre. All parcel sizes considered.
  • SELLER of 1,000 megalitres Murrumbidgee Forward at $135 per megalitre, with 1 August delivery. Smaller splits considered.
  • SELLER of 500-1,000 megalitres of Lachlan forward at $130/ML, with 1 November 2024 delivery. Smaller splits considered.


Allocations are as follows: 

 Zone  Allocation 1 year ago  +/- per cent 



High Security

100 pc100 pcSame

General Security

100 pc100 pcSame

NSW Murray (Zones 10 & 11)


 High Security

100 pc100 pcSame

General Security

110 pc110 pcSame



High Security

100 pc100 pcSame

General Security

20 pc115 pc- 95 pc

Vic Murray (Zones 6 & 7)


High Reliability

100 pc100 pcSame

Low Reliability

100 pc100 pcSame

SA Murray
100 pc100 pcSame

Murrumbidgee Deep Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

Lower Murray Deep Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

Lower Lachlan Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

2024/2025 OUTLOOKS

On 15 May, the NSW Department of Industry and Environment has released updated 2024/25 season outlooks for the Murrumbidgee and Murray Darling systems. Full statements can be viewed by clicking on the following links, but in short, outlooks for opening allocations are as follows:

  • 95 per cent (pc) allocation for high security entitlements
  • 25pc allocation for general security entitlements (an increase of 15pc from the figure given in the last outlook)
  • 100pc allocation for towns, domestic and stock access licences
  • Full allocations for supplementary (including Lowbidgee) access licences
  • Full general security carryover (estimated to be around 28pc) is expected to be available.

NSW Murray

  • 97pc allocation for high security entitlements
  • 30pc allocation for general security entitlements (no change from the figure given in the last outlook)
  • 100pc allocation for towns, domestic and stock access licences
  • Full allocations for supplementary access licences
  • Full general security carryover (estimated to be around 43pc) is expected to be available. 

NSW Lower Darling

  • 100pc allocation for high security entitlements
  • 100pc allocation for general security entitlements
  • 100pc allocation for towns, domestic and stock access licences
  • Full allocations for supplementary access licences
  • Carryover in accounts will be replaced by full allocations on 1 July 2023.

On 15 May, the Northern Victorian Resource Manager updated the outlook for 2024/25 seasonal determinations. Read the full statement, or  in short, the outlook for opening allocations are as follows: 


  • 60pc for Vic Murray High Reliability
  • 0pc for Vic Murray Low Reliability
  • 70pc for Goulburn and Loddon High Reliability
  • 0pc for Goulburn and Loddon Low Reliability
  • 100pc for Campaspe High Reliability
  • 0pc for Campaspe Low Reliability

On 15 April, the South Australian Department for Enviroment and Water released a statement detailing opening allocations for the 2024/25 season. Read the full statement, or in short, the outlook for opening allocations are as follows: 

  • 100pc for SA Murray licence holders
  • As the projected opening allocation is greater than 50pc, the carryover of unused allocations from 2023-24 will not be available in 2024-25.

Trade Restrictions

Is CLOSED for Murrumbidgee to Murray trade, but OPEN for Murray to Murrumbidgee trade with a balance of 87.7 gigalitres (GL).



According to the Bureau of Meterorology (BOM), storage levels are currently as follows:

  Current 1 Day  7 Days  30 Days  1 Year 
Murrumbidgee 69.9 pcNIL+0.1 pc+2.2 pc- 20.0 pc
Blowering70.2 pc NIL+1.2 pc+ 4.5 pc- 22.2 pc
Burrinjuck69.4 pc+0.1 pc+0.7 pc- 1.6 pc-16.5 pc
Murray76.7 pcNIL+ 0.3 pc- 0.2 pc- 13.3 pc
Hume60.3 pc+0.2 pc +0.8 pc- 1.1 pc- 29.4 pc
Dartmouth94.0 pcNIL- 0.1 pc- 0.3 pc- 2.4 pc
Lachlan 95.2 pcNIL- 0.2 pc
+0.4 pc- 1.3 pc
Wyangala95.0 pc-0.1 pc- 0.2 pc+ 0.4 pc- 1.7 pc

Current Temporary Market

 Zone Buyers  Sellers  Last Trade 
NSW Murray 10 (Above Choke)$5$8$7
NSW Murray 11 (Below Choke)$10$10$10
Vic Murray 6 (Above Choke)$15$15$15
Vic Murray 7 (Above Choke)$25$25$25
SA Murray$25$25$25
Lachaln $40$50$45
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 1---
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 2---
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 3---
Lower Murray Groundwater---
Lower Lachlan Groundwater ---

Current Permanent Market 

Indicative pricing is as follows, noting some markets have been skewed by the Government buybacks last year, and have not yet corrected now that the Government is out of those markets:

 Zone  Price per mL 
High Security$8,300 to $8,400
General Security$2,400 to $2,500
Supplementary$800 to $850
NSW Murray Above Choke (Zone 10) 
High Security$7,100 to $7,200
General Security$2,000 to $2,100
NSW Murray Below Choke (Zone 11) 
High Security$8,550 to $8,650
General Security$2,600 to $2,700
VIC Murray Above Choke (Zone 6) 
High Security$4,600 to $4,700
General Security$700 to $800
VIC Murray Below Choke (Zone 7) 
High Security$7,300 to $7,500
General Security$1,750 to $1,850
SA Murray Class 3$7,000 to $7,500
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer (zone dependent)$3,800 to $4,500
Lachlan (Upper & Lower) 
High Security$1,500 to $1,600
General Security$4,500 to $4,550
Lower Murray Deep Groundwater$2,700 to $2,800
Lower Lachlan Groundwater$3,500 to $4,000

Current Forward Market 

Indicative pricing is as follows, assuming a 1 November 2024 delivery date:

Murray Above Choke (NSW Zone 10 and Vic Zone 6)
Murray Below Choke (NSW Zone 11, Vic Zone 7 and SA)

Current Carryover Market 

Indicative pricing is as follows, assuming risk of spill falling to the licence holder:

Murray Above Choke (NSW Zone 10 and Vic Zone 6)
Murray Below Choke (NSW Zone 11, Vic Zone 7 and SA)


In accordance with the relevant Valley Water Sharing Plans, please note the following Season Close dates for water allocation trading: 

  • Murrumbidgee Regulated Interstate – CLOSED
  • Murrumbidgee Regulated Intravalley – 11:59PM 30 June 2024
  • NSW Murray and Lower Darling Regulated River Interstate – 11:59pm 30 April 2024
  • All other Regulated Water, Groundwater and Unregulated Water - 11:59PM 30 June 2024
  • Coleambally Irrigation – 2PM 28 June 2024
  • Murray Irrigation – external trades 5PM 24 June 2024 and internal trades 11:59pm 25 June 2024
  • Murrumbidgee Irrigation – external trades 5PM 28 June 2024 and internal trades 11:59pm 30 June 2024.


The BOM released an updated outlook on 23 May The full outlook can be viewed by clicking here but, in summary: 

  • Days and nights are likely to be warmer than average across the whole country.
  • Rainfall is likely to be above average over parts of the south and west of the continent.
  • Rainfall is likely to be below average for parts of the far south-east, including the far south-east of South Australia.

The information contained in this article is given for the purpose of providing general information only, and while Elders has exercised reasonable care, skill and diligence in its preparation, many factors (including environmental and seasonal) can impact its accuracy and currency. Accordingly, the information should not be relied upon under any circumstances and Elders assumes no liability for any loss consequently suffered. If you would like to speak to someone for tailored advice relating to any of the matters referred to in this article, please contact Elders.

Meet the author

Daisy Armstrong

Water Broker
  • Elders Griffith

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