7 February 2025

Latest water update


Welcome to the Elders Water Market Update for the 2024/25 season, for the week beginning 3 February 2025.

Very dry weather in some areas, combined with growers running out of allocation, zero rainfall on the horizon and dam levels dropping at a rapid rate has seen demand pick up over the last week, a trend which is expected to continue. 

Opportunities of the week

  • Seller of 75 megalitres Murrumbidgee Irrigation High Security entitlements at $8,710 per magalitre, inclusive of 2024/25 allocation.


The following allocation announcements have been made today: 

  • MURRUMBIDGEE general security received no allocation increase, leaving total allocation at 35 per cent (pc)
  • NSW MURRAY general security recieved a 5% allocation increase, taking total allocation to 58 pc.

As such , allocations are as follows: 

 Zone  Allocation 1 year ago  +/- per cent 



High Security

95 pc100 pc-5 pc

General Security

35 pc100 pc- 65 pc

NSW Murray (Zones 10 & 11)


 High Security

97 pc100 pc- 3 pc

General Security

62 pc110 pc- 48 pc



High Security

100 pc100 pcSame

General Security

6 pc0 pc+ 6 pc

Vic Murray (Zones 6 & 7)


High Reliability

100 pc100 pcSame

Low Reliability

100 pc16 pc- 16 pc

SA Murray
100 pc100 pcSame

Murrumbidgee Deep Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

Lower Murray Deep Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

Lower Lachlan Groundwater

100 pc100 pcSame

Trade Restrictions


Is currently open for Murrumbidgee to Murray trade but closed for Murray to Murrumbidgee trade, with balances as follows: 

  • Murrumbidgee to Murray - 0.6GL
  • Murray to Murrumbidgee - 99.4GL

Is closed.


According to the Bureau of Meterorology (BOM), storage levels are currently as follows:

 As at 9am Current 1 Day  7 Days  30 Days  1 Year 
Murrumbidgee 3 Feb 2546.0 pcNIL-2.0 pc- 10.9 pc- 33.7 pc
Blowering1 Feb 2540.0 pc- 0.2 pc- 3.23 pc- 13.5 pc- 34.2 pc
Burrinjuck1 Feb 2555.6 pc- 0.3 pc- 2.7 pc- 9.4 pc- 35.3 pc
Murray3 Feb 2566.6 pcNIL- 1.5 pc- 7.4 pc- 24.1 pc
Hume1 Feb 2541.3 pc- 0.3 pc- 2.8 pc- 12.1 pc- 41.2 pc
Dartmouth2 Feb 2587.4 pc- 0.1 pc- 0.4 pc- 1.1 pc- 10.0 pc
Lachlan 3 Feb 2587.1 pcNIL- 1.1 pc- 5.1 pc- 8.1 pc
Wyangala1 Feb 2586.8 pc- 0.2 pc- 1.5 pc- 5.6 pc- 8.6 pc

Current Temporary Market

Indicative pricing is as follows:

ZoneBuyersSellersLast tradeTrend
NSW Murray 10 (Above Choke)$130$135$130Steady
NSW Murray 11 (Below Choke)$155$155$155Up
Vic Murray 6 (Above Choke)$130$130$130Steady
Vic Murray 7 (Above Choke)$160$160$160Steady
SA Murray$160$160$160Steady
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 1--- 
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 2-$60- 
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer Zone 3$50$50$50Steady
Lower Murray Groundwater$65$65$65Steady
Lower Lachlan Groundwater$50$50$50Steady

Current Permanent Market 

Indicative pricing is as follows: 

 Zone  Price per mL 
High Security$8,550 to $8,650
General Security$2,600 to $2,700
Supplementary$800 to $850
NSW Murray Above Choke (Zone 10) 
High Security$7,500 to $7,600
General Security$1,700 to $1,800
NSW Murray Below Choke (Zone 11) 
High Security$8,600 to $8,700
General Security$2,600 to $2,700
VIC Murray Above Choke (Zone 6) 
High Reliability$4,300 to $4,400
Low Reliability$550 to $650
VIC Murray Below Choke (Zone 7) 
High Reliability$7,000 to $7,100
Low Reliability$2,000 to $2,100
SA Murray Class 3$6,800 to $6,900
Murrumbidgee Deep Aquifer (zone dependent)$3,800 to $4,200
Lachlan (Upper & Lower) 
General Security$1,700 to $1,800
High Security$4,500 to $4,550
Lower Murray Deep Groundwater$2,700 to $2,800
Lower Lachlan Groundwater$3,500 to $4,000


The Bereau Of Meteorology released an updated outlook on 30 January. In summary:

The long-range forecast for February to April shows:

  • above average rainfall is likely for northern Australia and much of the south, with an increased chance of unusually high rainfall for much of these regions
  • warmer than average days are likely across much of southern and eastern Australia
  • warmer than average nights are very likely across Australia, with an increased chance of unusually high overnight temperatures nationwide.


Disclaimer – important, please read:

The information contained in this article is given for general information purposes only, current at the time of first publication, and does not constitute professional advice.  The article has been independently created by a human author using some degree of creativity through consultation with various third-party sources.  Third party information has been sourced from means which Elders consider to be reliable.  However, Elders has not independently verified the information and cannot guarantee its accuracy.  Links or references to third party sources are provided for convenience only and do not constitute endorsement of material by third parties or any associated product or service offering.  While Elders has exercised reasonable care, skill and diligence in preparation of this article, many factors including environmental/seasonal factors and market conditions can impact its accuracy and currency.  The information should not be relied upon under any circumstances and, to the extent permitted by law, Elders disclaim liability for any loss or damage arising out of any reliance upon the information contained in this article.  If you would like to speak to someone for tailored advice specific to your circumstances relating to any of the matters referred to in this article, please contact Elders.

Meet the author

Daisy Armstrong

Water Broker
  • Elders Griffith

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